有回报的职业. 美好明天.
You’re passionate about protecting natural resources. 对采用清洁能源感到兴奋. Fascinated by new capabilities in electric and autonomous vehicles. Committed to changing how we interact with the planet — for the better.
如果这和你有共鸣, exploring sustainability studies in engineering, 商业或市场营销可以让你找到一份令人满意的职业,为我们这一代和下一代创造一个更美好的世界.
What Are 可持续性 Studies and Sustainable Engineering?
可持续发展项目: About More Than Just Efficiency
无论是节约用水, pollution prevention or even plastics reduction, we often associate “sustainability” with one focus area. True sustainability encompasses multiple, 共同努力保护, 重用甚至创建新资源, 包括水, 空气与能源. 可持续发展研究的重点是我们如何利用资源和发展企业, 组织,甚至国家,不为子孙后代耗尽这些资源.
Sustainable Engineering: Supporting Smarter Innovation
有效的可持续发展优先考虑的是明智的、可再生的资源利用. 可持续工程帮助我们推动世界前进——发明新产品, 创建新流程, providing housing and vehicles — with those goals at the center. 换句话说, 可持续发展工程师帮助我们成长和创新,同时确保我们有足够的资源用于未来的发展.
“可持续性是指能源开发既能满足我们当前的需求,又不会因为自然资源有限而损害子孙后代满足自己需求的能力, 主要是化石燃料.” – Dr. Gianfranco DiGiuseppe,正规的赌博app机械工程系教员
The fastest-growing sector in the United States
除了创造环境效益和实现你的激情的机会, 可持续发展的职业也是美国发展最快的职业之一, 根据美国2022年的报告.S. 能源和就业报告. 清洁能源和电动汽车行业的就业增长最快, 汽车和零部件也在该行业中脱颖而出.
这种增长为可持续发展工程专业的学生和有技术头脑的商科学生提供了大量的机会. 如果你对电动汽车工程或可持续商业实践感兴趣, browse our sustainability programs to find a path that works for you.
Find jobs in sustainability in any industry
Whether you’re interested in engineering, business or another subsector of sustainability, sustainability studies are relevant for any industry. Energy, 食品和饮料, packaging, retail, 餐饮业和运输业越来越多地承诺到2040年实现净零碳排放. 主要品牌如迪斯尼, Nike and Starbucks have all made environmental commitments, 包括零浪费, reduced carbon or plastic reduction initiatives. If you’re interested in working in a specific industry, you’ll likely have several jobs in sustainability from which to choose.
Business and Engineering Careers in 可持续性
Companies are looking to fill jobs in sustainability across the board, from manufacturing to engineering to marketing. If careers in sustainability interest you, 这里有一些常见的职位,你可以通过工程或商业学位,专注于可持续发展.
可持续发展工程师可以承担各种各样的责任,但重点是为环境问题创造解决方案. 他们可以帮助公司管理废水、能源、空气和资源. 可持续发展工程师还可以为企业设计解决方案,以满足法规要求或创建和实施环境倡议.
Environmental and 可持续性 Director
Environmental and sustainability directors help businesses meet local, national and sometimes international compliance with environmental laws. They may oversee capital planning for environmental projects, create standardized processes for energy management, 确定企业采用的可持续技术,或与营销团队合作,围绕社会责任开展沟通.
Research Engineer (可持续性 or Clean Energy)
研究工程师帮助创新可持续发展挑战的新解决方案. They may work to develop novel battery technology for electric vehicles, 设计自动化工具和设备, measure greenhouse gas emissions and help develop proprietary products.
At Kettering, you’ll find numerous paths to careers in sustainability. Browse undergraduate sustainability degrees in engineering and business.
如果你已经拥有本科学位,并且对可持续发展项目感兴趣, explore the following graduate programs in sustainability.
Why 研究可持续发展 at Kettering?
研究可持续发展 in the Classroom and State-of-the-Art Labs
Learn about topics like renewable energy, 环境问题, 生命周期评估, 公共政策, 废水处理, 跨多个学科的绿色工程和其他可持续性主题. 有了这些类, 你可以从社会的角度来处理每一个问题, economic, 以及环境方面的观点. 通过工程、科学和人文学科,你可以帮助改善世界.
Learn 可持续性 Under Expert Faculty
Work Jobs in 可持续性 Starting in Your First Semester
As an undergraduate in one of our sustainability programs, 你会变得真实, on-the-job experience starting in year one of your time at Kettering.
丹尼斯·格雷,86年, LG能源解决方案北美对外事务和政府关系负责人, 讨论电动汽车的未来和锂离子电池的生产.
Should you warm your car up in the winter before driving?
机械工程系主任兼教授Bassem Ramadan与 Insider about the impact idling your car has on the environment.
NOAA Grant Focuses on Local Climate Impact Education
气候弹性弗林特是正规的赌博app之间的合作成果, Environmental Transformation Movement of Flint, M.A.D.E. Institute, 社区参与中心, 杰纳西自然保护区, and NOAA's Office of Education and Climate Program Office. With the goal of reducing differential access to education, knowledge, 和资源, 该项目反映了NOAA的教育使命,即通过主动学习和知识合作生产,进一步提高公平的环境素养和气候适应能力.
丰田高级工程师和校友Jackie Birdsall坐下来与 设计的新闻 关于燃料电池技术的发展以及她作为一名女性工程师在男性主导的行业中的经历.
The clock is ticking on internal combustion, 随着汽车行业的供应链为电动汽车进行重组,这引起了外界的恐慌. 《正规赌博十大网站》采访了校友Craig Renneker和另外两位业内资深人士,讨论了这些挑战,并提出了为电气化时代充电的机会.
Entrepreneur Brian Falther (’10) details his adventure into vertical, 高产农业, 哪一种农业每英亩的产量是传统农业的100倍.
助理教授Levi Tennen的文章展示了对国家纪念物的美学评价如何具有法律效力. 这样的考虑也会影响到是否将一个地区保护为纪念碑的决定.
Jamie Zinser(1999年, ME), Vice President of Global Automotive Sales and Marketing at Novelis, discusses sustainability and the infinite recyclability of aluminum.
E15是汽油(无铅88)与15%乙醇混合的简写. 这种类型的E15天然气通常更便宜, 但由于对环境的影响,它在夏季旅游季节受到限制. But E15 got more attention in 2022 when gas prices rose because of Ukraine’s war with Russia. 《正规赌博十大网站》杂志上的这篇文章依赖于正规的赌博app的研究信息.
研究可持续发展. 规划你的职业生涯.